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Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC Sponsors Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

By: Scottsdale Injury Lawyers LLC September 13, 2019 no comments

Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC Sponsors Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

On September 13, 2019, Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC became a Supporting Sponsor of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The firm will sponsor the Phoenix Light the Night walk—a community event that takes place annually and this year on November 16, 2019. The walk has over 7,000 participants and is the fastest growing charity walk in North America. The Light the Night charity walk raises awareness and funding for innovative research and treatment options to eliminate cancer.

The mission of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is to “cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.” The efforts of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society advances breakthroughs in immunotherapy, genomics and personalized therapy. Simply put, the work of this organization saves lives.

The decision to sponsor the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society was an easy one. The founder of Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC, Tony Piccuta, is a survivor of cancer—specifically Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

In early 2013, as Piccuta was preparing for trial, he was having difficulty taking deep breaths.  Piccuta sought out medical treatment and x-rays showed a softball sized mass growing inside his chest cavity. The mass was so large it was preventing Piccuta’s right lung from expanding. He could not take a deep breath. Piccuta had symptoms for six months prior to his diagnosis and did not seek out treatment right away.

In a way, my battle with cancer was like a trial or hard case. There were times when I was low and high. There were ups and downs. However, throughout the whole process, I believed I would win and I was never scared of the battle.

Piccuta was 35 at the time and competing in Olympic distance triathlons and other endurance events. He had no reason to suspect any serious health issues. Piccuta was diagnosed with Primary Mediastinal Large Diffuse B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lympoma. This type of cancer was, and is, very rare and aggressive. At his first oncologist appointment, Piccuta was told, that left untreated, the life expectancy for someone with his type of cancer was 30 days. Piccuta had symptoms for over six months.

Piccuta underwent intensive in-patient chemotherapy. The regimen required him to receive a constant infusion of chemotherapy drugs for 5-6 days straight. He did nine sessions of this chemotherapy each time requiring him to be hospitalized. During each hospitalization he received chemotherapy 24 hours a day.

Piccuta eventually lost all his hair and eyebrows. However, he never lost his will to fight or his belief that he would defeat cancer. By the end of 2013, Piccuta’s cancer was in remission. By the end of 2018, after five years of being cancer free, he was considered cured.

When asked about his battle with cancer, Piccuta stated “I was lucky to have smart doctors and people supporting me. Anyone who believes something is wrong, should seek out medical treatment. Listen to your body and don’t put it off. Early detection is important.”

When asked if anything he learned from his fight with cancer has helped him with his career as a winning trial lawyer, Piccuta stated “In a way, my battle with cancer was like a trial or hard case. There were times when I was low and high. There were ups and downs. However, throughout the whole process, I believed I would win and I was never scared of the battle.”

Scottsdale Injury Lawyers, LLC encourages all greater Phoenix residents to participate in this year’s Light the Night charity walk on November 16, 2019. Come meet Tony Piccuta in person there and walk with him and all others who have been touched by cancer.

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